greybeard @greybeard411
#ILikeObamaCare cause in order for there to be "a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people".
Bret Schlyer @bschlyer
#ILikeObamaCare because Nancy Pelosi told me I would once I knew what was in it.
Samuel Tunis @killermist
#ILikeObamaCare because it'll placate #occupy... oh, wait.
#IlikeObamacare because my medical records will be online
for all hackers to access!<<there goes my clearance :-)
Erin Haust @erinhaust
#ILikeObamacare becuz nothing says "unity" &
"patriotism" like giving waivers 2 public employee unions &
jdmeac @jdmeac
#ILikeObamaCare because it won't cost me a dime... just an arm & a
Teri Christoph @TeriChristoph
#ILikeObamacare because if anyone knows what's good for me, it's Rahm
Emanuel's brother.
Matt Tabor @MattATL
#ILikeObamaCare because it will have @DaveRamseyLIVE something to do
for years to come. Talk about #debt.....
C. Walters @Hilohaw
#ILikeObamaCare because of its reduced healthcare costs. The same way I
like unicorns, rainbows & other fantasies!
Andy Wright @andy_wright_esq
Not sure that whole #ILikeObamacare hash tag worked out quite like the
administration was hoping. Some really funny tweets using it.
DW @62dw
#ILikeObamacare because the government does such an awesome job with
everything they get their hands on.
Debbie @debbieebb
#ILikeObamacare because, let's face it, I've lived long enough.
David McMichaels @UncleWaldoe
#ILikeObamaCare because nothing says "pursuit of happiness"
like government paid abortions and death panels
Gabrielle Picard @GabrielleePic
#ilikeobamacare because I always wanted to live in a communist country.
Mike @mrjc1
#ILikeObamaCare b/c there's nothing like being at the mercy of the
government in your weakest moments. #tcot
Dan Kurth @DanKurth1
#ILikeObamacare because I was starting to get worried about what I
would do with all of my excess money
Christopher Meier @darthlevin
#ilikeobamacare because it has all the compassion of the IRS with the
efficiency of the USPS
Jesse Dalton @ObamaBash
#ILikeObamacare because a gubmint bureaucrat can certainly make health
care decisions for me better than I can.
John Nolte @NolteNC
#ILikeObamaCare because the Constitution is overrated.
Blaine Olmstead @blaine1957
#ilikeobamacare cause it is my right to to pay more,, for less!
jdmeac @jdmeac
#ILikeObamaCare because one size fits all government healthcare treats
everyone the same... poorly!
JD Nelson @JDNelson_68W
#ilikeobamacare because its price tag will be less than
$1trillion...err, wait, um... Oh never mind.
Will Collier @willcollier
#ilikeobamacare because I think putting my health care decisions in the
hands of 15 political appointees in DC is a really great idea. (NOT)
Allen Covert @THATAllenCovert
#ilikeobamacare because I'm refinishing my basement in death panels
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare Because controlling our Happy Meals, Carbon-Footprint,
Light-Bulbs and Religious Expression.. just wasn't enough!
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because I think it's AWESOME how they can pass a
7000-page bill and without even READING it!
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because all these Pre-Med. majors are changing over to
Tax-Law majors. Of COURSE we want fewer doctors and MORE IRS agents!
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because now my employer gets to stop doing all that
pesky paperwork.. because he dropped all our Healthcare coverage!
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because I get to lose my current health insurance and
join the Gov't exchange! Wow, this is just like the USSR..Awesome
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because I can just go straight to the morgue.. and
bypass that 'elective' surgery altogether!
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because I'd rather make my appointments for the DR
months in advance! & wait HOURS in the waiting room! I LOVE waiting!
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because Washington, DC is SO effective at governing,
why not give them one-third of the economy to screw up, too!
Susan Petrey @conservativesue
#ILikeObamaCare because nothing is quite so affordable as a trillion
dollar NEW ENTITLEMENT program that has doubled in cost! #LiberalLogic
Loren Heal @lheal
#ILikeObamaCare because I want the government to know everything about
me. Gives me a tingle up my leg.
andy stamper @andystamper1
#ilikeobamacare because a 7 month old fetus isn't a child, but a 26
year old is. #liblogic
Not@dadinnertable @Noblesavage1776
#ILikeObamacare because your surgeries will get done like the keystone will take years to get approved & only 4 a part of it
Marshall Smith @MarshallFSmith
#ILikeObamaCare b/c In the end you get to go to Euthanasia its a
beautiful country and its always sunny.
betseyross @betseyross
#ilikeObamacare because slack-jaw'ed bureaucrats should be in charge of
our health care ... like.. u know .. 4 sure #tcot
Debbie @debbieebb
#ILikeObamacare because my thumbs hurt from playing video games and I
need pain killers. ASAP
wjnelson11 @wjnelson11
#ilikeobamacare because nothing says "helping the poor" than
fining them for not buying something they cant afford
Sunny @sunnyright
#ILikeObamacare because what America needed was a costly new
entitlement program the majority of people hate. Instead of jobs.
Pundette @pundette
#ILikeObamaCare because it feels good to know the government will have
access to all my medical records. What could go wrong?
William Hightower @wh_atl
#iLikeObamaCare because it will take the IRS 10000 pages to define what
is approved insurance. Good luck complying.
#IlikeObamacare The only expense covered 100% is,
P Flynn Anderson @middlemom
#IlikeObamacare because deciding who lives/dies puts the FUN back in
"dysfunctional presidency" @BarackObama
David Adkins @daalad
#ILikeObamacare because after 2 years they throw parties and parades
for it because they're so proud, never mind.
Trent @Travesham
#ILikeObamacare because I'm allergic to responsibility
readrothbard @readrothbard
#ILikeObamacare because the gov't hasn't passed enough unconstitutional
#ILikeObamacare because
$15Trillion in federal debt is not enough.
Whitney Pitcher @whitneypitcher
#ilikeobamacare as much as Pres.Obama likes drilling on federal land.
Sean Hackbarth @seanhackbarth
#ILikeObamacare because I didn't really want to keep my health care
plan that I like.
#ILikeObamacare because compelling my neighbor to
financially assume responsibility for me is the American dream.
David Burge @iowahawkblog
#IlikeObamacare because the best things in life are free. Give or take
$2 trillion.
Ari Fleischer @AriFleischer
#IlikeObamacare because the Federal government is really, really good
at going deeper and deeper into debt.